SUPstacle visited Surf Worldcup Podersdorf

A great fun for everyone! In front of 50.000 spectators everyone could try himself paddling our SUPstacle parcours. Most of the time the audience have had even more fun than the participants – the SUPstacle parcours required strength and agility and more than one paddler took a involuntary bath in the Neusiedler Lake.

Our Partner SIREN SUPsurfing created a video:

Find the full range of SIREN-Products in our new  Onlineshop.

The Surf Worldcup Fotostory:


Start and Goal – the RESTUBE-Limbo. Most of the paddlers had to bend their head.


The ascent is hard…


…on top of the SUPstacle-Pinball you have to find the fastest way…


…in order to catch one of the waiting boards.


Keeling is not enough at the SUPstacle-Oxer. Get down in Push Up Position and back up again after the obstacle. That´s how you make a good time.

Auch wenn es einfach aussieht- Die SIREN-Rutsche hatte es durchaus in sich. Doch auch wenn dem ein oder anderen bei der erstbesteigung die Puste ausging...

Even if it looks easy – Our Siren-Slide is a class of ist own…

...war die Rutschpartie auf die nächsten Boards die Anstrengung allemal wert

…but it´s definitly fun to slide until you catch one of the boards.


Get your turn at the LAOLA-Box. But first you have to grab a ball and throw it inside the basket. Think you´re finished? Wrong. you have to go back in reverse order!

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